Saturday, May 17, 2008

Hey everyone. I know it has been a long time since I have updated our blog! Sorry. We don't have a computer at home, so I only get to update when I go to my mom's house. And sometimes at her house I don't have the time or ability to do so. However, here are some pictures we had taken of Aslynn. She is doing great. In March she had to start wearing a helmet because the left side of her head was flattening do to torticollis. Which means she can't turn her head all the way to the right side so she favors her left. Sleeping and playing she turns her head to the left more because her right side is so tight. So she is wearing a helmet so her head shape can be corrected and she's going to physical therapy so the torticollis can be corrected. She is a trooper. The helmet doesn't even bother her. She has to wear it 23 hours a day, so pretty much we only take it off for bathtime. She is such an example to me. It was just amazing how this sweet girl has no idea what is going on or why she now has to wear this weird thing on her head (that gets pretty warm by the way) and if it'll ever be off for good. Despite all of this she just accepted it and never even complained. It is an example to me of how the Lord accepted his call and mission to be our Savior. So lovingly and selflessly he accepted to come to Earth suffer and die for us that we can experience the tender mercies of our loving Father in Heaven and return to him someday. I am so thankful for this gospel, for my family, my friends, and my blessings. We truly see the Lord's hand in our lives each day. We love you all and thank you for your prayers and support. We hope you know that you are always in our prayers and our hearts.


tyalpabr said...

Poor little girl! We are so glad she has been good with the helmet. How long does she need to wear it? It's amazing how strong and amazing the kids are these days. We are truly blessed!!

Matt and Erin said...

Great post, Bri. You've always been such an example. And you're little girl is becoming just like you!